An update


This site was starting to look neglected so I thought i’d give you all an update.

The radio silence has mainly been due to the fact that i’m currently working on my dissertation proposal which i’ll be uploading once completed.

I’m really excited about this project – titled ‘Henry VIII and the performance of worldly kingship.’ The dissertation will explore how King Henry VIII of England (you know the one with all the wives) cultivated an image of himself as a worldly, outward looking king, in order to challenge the persistent notion that Henry and his court were inherently insular and nationalistic.

This project intends to explore the relationship between the global and the national as reflected in Henry’s performance of Kingship. It begs important questions about their co-existence and interdependence, questions which have continued significance in our own global age that struggles with the nations place within it.

Could it have been that Henry was both a national monarch and a worldly king? Why have we come to assume that these two ideas are somehow contradictory? And how do these discourses continue to effect British national identity? I hope my work can shed some light on these ideas.

I’ll also be building a 360 tour of Hampton court palace as part of this project and of course I aim to make it into a doc!

Now back to the prospectus!

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